In order to protect the environment and to operate economically, we only print our designs on demand hence we do not store our art. Each canvas will go through a personalized quality control which won't be possible if we had our designs already in stock. 

Due to this reason we only offer refunds for the following reasons:

  • Streaking/ Banding
  • Ink scratches or spits
  • Damaged in transit

Printano is not responsible for shipping delays of any sort except damage or loss. In case of a loss, we will send you a brand new canvas at our cost. If you like to register a flaw, please contact us immediately and no later than 2 days after the delivery. We will send you a replacement canvas or refund the paid amount via Credit Card, PayPal or a Gift Card. 


Please note: Cancellations are only possible up to 1 hour after purchasing. We print up to 30,000 designs per day hence a cancellation after this time period won't be possible. 

Please feel free to contact us at any time.